Strategic Partners

  Edgewood Ministries - Equipping African leaders for the African Church

We have four primary areas of focus. They are listed below along with our strategic partners in each of those areas of ministry.

1. Pastor Training

Training pastors is at the heart of our work, and it is the reason Edgewood exists. Our primary partner I the are of ministry training is Third Millennium Ministries.

Two other key partners in the are of ministry training are:

 African Bible University                   and                   Africa Reformation Theological Seminary

2. Church Planting

The planting of Christ-centered, healthy, church-planting churches is crucial to the spread of Gospel in Africa. We train, mentor and coach church planters for the East African Church. We have trained church planters from several different denominations (Anglican, Pentecostal, Presbyterian and Baptist to name a few) as well as independent or non-denominational churches. We have a specific partnership with Uganda Presbytery of The Reformation Church of East Africa (RCEA). 

3. University Campus Ministry

Edgewood is working on behalf of Reformed University Fellowship - Global (RUF-G) to establish RUF campus ministries at universities in East African. The first one is underway at Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda, led by campus minister Ezra Kwizera.

4. Economic Development

Economic development is crucial to the flourishing of African nations, African people, and the African Church. We seek to help foster economic development in East African through development of missional businesses. Our primary strategic partner in this area is AVODA Institute of Entrepreneurship. We also partner with Equipping Farmers International.

Mission to the World (MTW), the global mission sending agency of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) is a vital strategic partner in all four of these areas.

We are grateful for the partnership in the gospel of Jesus that we have with each of these organizations.