The blog has been quiet for a couple weeks now, evidence that the "jump to warp speed" did indeed happen, and everything is now in full swing.
Andrea and remain convinced that, as hard as it is being apart as a family for this long, this is indeed precisely what God has called us to do for this short season. I am loving it here (just wish the fam was
here with me). After two weeks of classes, I am really enjoying teaching and
getting to know the students. I am finding that one of the ways I can most
effectively minister to them is through talking with them one-on-one, so I am
making as many opportunities for that as I can, and they really seem to
appreciate it.
In addition to trying the visit the facilities where 60 Feet works as often as my schedule allows, I also am meeting with the 60 Feet staff on Sunday evenings
for a staff fellowship - teaching a Bible study, sharing with one another and
praying together. I am enjoying that very much, and it seems to be a good
thing for the staff too. They are an amazing team, ministering very
faithfully and effectively to the needs of imprisoned children here. I truly am
honored to have a chance to try to encourage them, help them out anyway I can.
Tonight when I got to their house, there were five new little faces. Sick
little ones they are nursing back to health – malaria, worms/parasites, etc. No
rest for the weary there. I got to hold them (the children, that is), help with feeding, give some
medicine, etc. Here are a few pics.

So all in all things are going very well. There is so much
more to tell you about, but it is late here in Uganda, so…
…to be continued.
Please pray for the following:
60 Feet Staff stamina as they care for these
five little ones in their home while continuing with all their normal daily work
For Andrea as she goes to the Atlanta passport office
tomorrow (Monday) to get our girls’ passport applications done – time is short,
and there has been a significant bump in the road with their passports; we need
God to intervene on our behalf, so their trip over here will not be put in
jeopardy (a great big "thanks" to Hal and Gary from Redeemer in Athens for hand delivering some documents to Andrea for me this weekend after their trip to Uganda last week).
For me to continue to connect well with the ABU
students and be an encouragement to them and be effective in bringing to gospel
to them with clarity in my teaching and preaching.
For God to bless my efforts toward sparking a
discipleship movement on the campus of ABU that will spread and multiply in
Uganda through our students.
For the ongoing effective ministry of 60 Feet to
the great needs of imprisoned children here in Uganda.