Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Our Latest Newsletter Is Out

 Read our latest newsletter HERE!

Here is Tim with our Regional Director for East Africa, Solomon Okello. Tim is pointing at the Third Mill logo on Solomon's shirt. Third Mill is our strategic partner in pastor training. 

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Edgewood Network Ministry Activity Locations

We now have more well over 100 pastors and ministry leaders who are active members of the Edgewood Network and who are being equipped for ministry. 

The map below shows locations where the pastor training ministry of Edgewood is active.

Here are the names of the communities represented by the numbers on the map:

1. Lira                                                  7. Torit, South Sudan
2. Kiryandongo Refugee Settlement        8. Soroti
3. Kitgum                                             9. Kampala
4. Gulu                                               10. Mubende Town & Refugee Settlement
5. BidiBidi Refugee Settlement              11. Jinja
6. Arua

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Exciting News


Andrea and I have some very exciting news to share with you. After more than 8 years of fruitful ministry

with African Bible Colleges, we have a new opportunity before us. Our years serving with ABC have only

confirmed our sense of call to love and serve the people of Africa. We remain fully committed to gospel

ministry in Uganda and beyond.

I have accepted a call to serve as Executive Director of Edgewood Ministries. The transition to my new role

with Edgewood will take effect on September 1 of this year. Edgewood was founded last year by Hal

Farnsworth, to enable him to deepen the work that he and I have been doing together in Uganda since

2015. The Mission of Edgewood is to equip faithful servants for God’s Kingdom with a primary focus in East

Africa. This is done through the following four areas of ministry: 1) pastor training, 2) church planting, 3)

university campus ministry, and 4) economic development. My role with Edgewood, like with ABC, will

involve work here in the US as well as ministry in East Africa. I will continue making several trips to Africa

each year to teach and preach as well as to train, disciple and mentor African ministry and business leaders.

Andrea and I are convinced of the vital importance of the African Church in the global work of the Great

Commission in our day, and we strongly believe that my gifts and passions in ministry will be maximized

through this new role.

We do love African Bible Colleges and believe in the importance of the mission of ABC, but we are also

convinced that God is calling us to this new work, one in which the areas of my greatest passion,

experience and giftedness will be put to work more frequently and consistently.

Another bit of encouraging news we have to share is that Andrea and I have also accepted an invitation to

join The 18.26 Network and the serve as the regional leadership couple for Sub-Saharan Africa. 18.26 is a

vocational mission movement that is committed to encouragement and facilitation of believers who

recognize God’s vocational calling and seek to pursue that calling cross-culturally for the sake of the

gospel. Through our work with 18.26, Andrea and I will minister to these missionaries in Africa

offering coaching and training to better equip them to work, to live and to serve well for Christ. We will

also provide member care through encouragement, prayer, and spiritual counsel.

In these new roles our family will continue to be dependent on the prayers and financial support of

ministry partners like you. We are praying that we will be able to retain most, if not all, of our current support. In addition, we need to add new ministry partners as well.

The instructions for how to support us financially through donating to Edgewood Ministries are as follows:

1. Give online using the following link: https://edgewoodministries.com/donate-tim-kay/

  This will allow you to give directly and immediately to our support account.

2. Or mail a check payable to “Edgewood Ministries” to 180 Dunwoody Dr., Athens, GA 30605. Please

write in the memo line of the check “ Tim Kay”.

Your prayers are essential to this transition going smoothly and quickly. Thank you for praying for us.